
Show Me the Way to Go Home: An Empirical Investigation of Ride Sharing and Motor Vehicle Fatalities

Patient-Physician Gender Concordance and Increased Mortality Among Female Heart Attack Patients

Racial Disparities in Birthing Outcomes Based on Physician-Patient Racial Concordance

Managers’ Political Ideology and Gender Inequality within Organizations

Matching Platforms and HIV Incidence: An Empirical Investigation of Race, Gender, and Socio-Economic Status

Can You Gig It? An Empirical Examination of the Gig-Economy and Entrepreneurial Activity

Traders, Guns, and Money: An Event Study of Mass Shootings and Stock Prices of Gun Manufacturers

Tempting Fate: Firm Social Media Posting, Customer Purchase, and the Loss of Followers

How Does the Implementation of Enterprise Information Systems Affect a Professional’s Mobility?

Vocal Minority and Silent Majority: How do Online Ratings Reflect Population Perceptions of Quality?

Ride-Hailing Services and Alcohol Consumption: Longitudinal Analysis

Who Watches the Watchmen: Evidence of Body-Worn Cameras and Policing in New York City

Patient access to chronic medications during the Covid-19 pandemic

All For Naught: An Empirical Examination of the Impact of Breach Notification Laws

How Unbecoming of You: Online Experiments Uncovering Gender Biases in Ridesharing

The Role of Decision Support Systems in Attenuating Racial Biases in Healthcare Delivery

Uber Might Buy Me a Mercedes Benz: An Empirical Investigation of the Sharing Economy and Durable Goods Purchase

Digital Multisided Platforms and Women’s Health: An Analysis of Peer-To-Peer Lending and Abortion

Robotic Innovations in Medicine: Gender Biases in the Adoption and Utilization of DaVinci Surgical Suites

Performance effects related to the sequence of implementation of health information technologies.

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